List of IBFT Member Banks & their Account Patterns
S.No. | Name of Bank | Account Number’s Format | Length of Account Number |
1 | Allied Bank Limited | BBBBAAAAAAAAA where: BBBB is the Branch Code (04 digits) AAAAAAAAA is the Account Number (09 digits) |
13 Digits |
BBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA where: BBBB is the Branch Code (04 digits) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA is the Account Number (16 digits) |
20 Digits | ||
2 | Askari Bank | BBBBAAAAAAAAA where BBBB is the Branch Code (04 digits) AAAAAAAAA is the Account Number (09 digits) |
13 Digits |
3 | Bank Al Falah | BBBBAAAAAAAA where BBBB is the Branch Code (04 digits) AAAAAA is the Account Number (08 digits) |
12 Digits |
4 | Bank Al Habib | BBBBTTTTBBBBBBRRC where BBBB is the Branch Code (04 digits) TTTT is the Account Number(04 digits) BBBBBB is the Base Number (06 digits) RR is the Running No. (02 digits) C is the Check Digit (01 digit) |
17 Digits |
5 | Bank Islami | 15-digit Account Number without Hyphen | 15 Digits |
6 | Bank of Punjab | BBBBTTTAAAAAAAAAA where BBBB is the Branch Code (04 digits) TTT is the Account Type (03 digits) AAAAAAAAAA is the Account Number (10 digits) |
17 Digits |
7 | Burj Bank | BBBBTTCCCAAAAAAP where BBBB is the Branch Code (04 digits) TT is the Account Type (02 digits) CCC is the Currency Type (03 digits) AAAAAA is the Account Number (06 digits) P is the Prefix (01 digit) |
16 Digits |
8 | Faysal Bank | BBBBSSSAAAAAAA where BBBB is the Branch Code (04 digits) SSS is the Account Suffix (03 digits) AAAAAAA is the Account Number (07 digits) Ex-RBS: AAAAAAAAA (09 digits) |
14 Digits |
9 | Habib Bank Limited | BBBBAAAAAAAATT where BBBB is the Branch Code (04 digits) AAAAAAAA is the Account Number (08 digits) TT is the Account Type (02 digits i.e. 03 = CD, 06 = SB) |
14 Digits |
10 | JS Bank | 6-digit JS Bank Account Number | 6 Digits |
11 | KASB Bank | BBBBAAAAAASSS where BBBB is the Branch Code (04 digits) AAAAAA is the Account Number (06 digits) SSS is the Suffix (03 digits) |
13 Digits |
12 | NIB Bank | BBBBAAAAAAAAAAA where BBBB is the Branch Code (04 digits) AAAAAAAAAAA is the Account Number (11 digits) |
15 Digits (old A/C Format) |
00000000XXXXXXX Add 7 or 8 Zeros before 8- or 7-digit account numbers to make them 15-digit. |
15 Digits (New A/C Format) | ||
13 | Standard Chartered bank | AAAAAAAAAAA where AAAAAAAAAAA-Account Number (11 Digits) |
11 Digits |
16 Digits | ||
14 | SILK Bank | BBBBAAAAAAAAAA where BBBB is the Branch Code (04 digits) AAAAAAAAAA is the Account Number (10 digits) |
14 Digits |
15 | Soneri Bank | BBBBAAAAAAAAAAA where BBBB is the Branch Code (04 digits) AAAAAAAAAAA is the Account Number (11 digits) |
15 Digits |
16 | Summit Bank | 20 digits in the following manner: 01020120311714020909 | 20 Digits |
17 | Tameer MicroFinance Bank | AAABBBCCCCCCDDD where AAA is the Account Type (03 digits) BBB is the Branch Code (03 digits) CCCCCC is the Customer Identification Number (06 digits) DDD is the Serial Number (03 digits) |
15 Digits |
18 | United Bank Limited | BBBBAAAAAAAA For Old Account BBBB is the Branch Code (04 digits) AAAAAAAA is the Account Number (08 digits)AAAAAAAAA for New Account |
12 digits for Old Account & 9 Digits for New Account |
19 | Citi Bank | 10-digit Bank Account Number | 10 Digits |
20 | Dubai Islamic Bank | 10-digit Bank Account Number | 10 Digits |
21 | Meezan Bank | BBBB-AAAAAAAAAA where BBBB is the Branch Code (04 digits) AAAAAAAAAA is the Account Number (10 digits) |
14 Digits |
22 | APNA Microfinance Bank | AAAAAAAAAAAA | 12 Digits |
23 | SAMBA Bank | AAAAAAAAAA | 10 Digits |
24 | Sindh Bank | BBBB-RRRRRR-AAAA where BBBB is the Branch Code AAAA is the Account Number |
14 Digits |
25 | Al-Barka Bank | AAAAAAAAAAAAA | 13 Digits |
26 | Habib Metropolitan Bank | CZZBBSSSSSCCCAAAAAA where C is the Country (01 Digit) ZZ is the Zone (02 Digit) BB is the Branch Code (02 Digit) SSSSS is the Subhead (05 Digit) CCC is the Currency Type (03 Digit) AAAAAA is the Account Number (06 Digit) |
19 Digits |
27 | First Women Bank | BBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA where BBBB-Branch Code (04 Digits) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-Account Number (16 Digits) |
20 Digits |
28 | Bank Industrial and Commercial Bank of China | AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA where AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-Account Number (19 Digits) |
19 Digits |
16 Digits | ||
29 | MCB | AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA where AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-Account Number (16 Digits) |
16 Digits |
30 | U Microfinance Bank Limited | BBBBAAAAAAAAAAA where BBBB-Branch Code (04 Digits) AAAAAAAAAAA-Account Number (11 Digits) |
15 Digits |
31 | Waseela Mobicash | AAAAAAAAA where AAAAAAAAA-Account Number (09 Digits) |
09 Digits |

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