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& Invest Online
Invest Online in just Minutes

#Step1 : Generate a reference number.
You can use either of the two ways to generate the Reference number for making an Online Investment.
For Online Portal Users
- For UBL Funds Online portal Users
Log-on to UBL Funds Online > Go to My E-Transactions > Additional Investment > Fill out the details > Insert Online T-PIN* to complete step 1 of the two steps process
*If T-PIN forgotten, use forgot T-PIN option on Online portal to generate new T-PIN on registered email
For Smart Saving Mobile App Users
- For UBL Funds’ Smart Saving Mobile App Users (via SMS)
Type INV space 10-digit Customer ID space Fund’s/Plan’s short name space Amount space T-PIN* and send to 8258
(For example: INV 00024135-1 ULPF 1000 1234)
*Use UBL Funds Mobile/Tele-Transact T-PIN (send sms ‘REG’ to 8258 or call 0800-00026 to register for Tele Transact and for T-PIN generation)
Upon successfully generating the reference number, follow step 2.
#Step 2 : Make an additional investment online.
Using 1Bill payment mechanism
- Log-on to your Bank’s Internet Portal or Mobile App
- Go to Bill Payment option
- Select ‘1Bill’, go to Top Up Payment
- Enter Reference number (from step 01) in Account Number (in Top up payment)
- Confirm details and Submit your transaction to complete the process
Using Bill Payment mechanism
- Log-on to your Bank’s Internet Portal or Mobile App
- Go to Bill Payment option
- Select Mutual Fund / Investment option, go to UBL Funds
- Enter Reference number (from step 01)
- Confirm details and Submit your transaction to complete the process
UBL Funds-Online Investment facility is available on the following internet banking portals and application:
- UBL Bank
- Habib Metropolitan Bank
- Standard Chartered Bank
- Bank Al Habib
- Summit Bank
- Allied Bank Limited
- Askari Bank Limited
- Dubai Islamic Bank
- National Bank of Pakistan
- Meezan Bank Limited
- Samba Bank
- The First Micro Finance Bank
- NRSP Micro Finance Bank*
- Bank of Punjab*
- Bank Al-Falah Limited**
- First Woman Bank Limited**
Note: UBL Account holders can make additional investment using Netbanking facility
*Through mobile banking only
**Through internet banking only

Get In Touch
Not registered to UBL Funds Online?
sms ONLINE to 8258
Forgot your username or password?
call 0800-00026