Al‐Ameen Islamic Sovereign Fund
This scheme provides an ideal avenue for your short and medium-term savings needs while giving you an easy access to your money.

Why invest in Al‐Ameen Islamic Sovereign Fund?
For your short-term savings needs
For your medium-term & regular income needs
Managed as per Shariah Law
Competitive Regular returns
Al-Ameen Islamic Sovereign Fund (AISF) [formerly UBL Islamic Sovereign Fund (UISF)] is a mutual fund investment scheme that invests primarily in Shariah complaint securities issued by the Government of Pakistan and other high rated Shariah-compliant debt and money market instruments to provide a competitive stream of Riba-free income on your investment. As there is no fixed-term holding period requirement, you can invest in this scheme for both your short and longer term needs.
Al-Ameen Islamic Sovereign Fund (AISF) is ideal for investors who:
- Want to earn regular stream of Halal income from your savings
- Want to grow your savings over the short to medium-term
- Want to have access to your money (don’t want to lock-in for a fixed-term)
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Al‐Ameen Islamic Sovereign Fund
Need more information about the fund? Here’s what you need to know.
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Fund Documents
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