UBL Asset Allocation Fund

Earn the benefits of diversification by investing in just one fund instead of a bunch of products.

UBL Asset Allocation Fund

Why invest in UBL Asset Allocation Fund?

  • Hassle-free portfolio diversification

  • Dynamic allocation to mitigate risks

  • Easy access to money (in part or whole)

  • No fixed-term holding period requirement

UBL Asset Allocation Fund (UAAF) is asset allocation scheme that offers you a convenient way of using the method of asset allocation to earn the benefits of diversification while saving you from the hassle of investing in multiple funds.

UBL Asset Allocation Fund (UAAF) is ideal for investors who:

  • Invest in multiple asset classes with maximum ease
  • Grow your capital for a medium to long-term goal

Net Asset Value

Offer Price262.4539
Selling Price 253.7012
As on: 25-Mar-2025

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UBL Asset Allocation Fund


Need more information about the fund? Here’s what you need to know.

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Fund Information
Rs.10000Minimum investment
Rs.10000Minimum subsequent investment
Investment charges Up to 3% of Net Asset Value
Management fee (annual) 1% p.a. of Net Asset Value
Redemption (withdrawl) charges
Nil 1st Year
Nil 2nd Year
Nil 3rd Year
Risk & Reward Potential


Risk of Prinicipal Erosion


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    Disclaimer: All investments in Mutual Funds are subject to market risks. The NAV based prices of units and any dividends/returns thereon are dependent on forces and factors affecting financial markets. Prices may go up and down based on market conditions. Past Performance is not necessarily an indicator of future results. Please read the Offering Document(s) of fund(s) and Supplementary Offering Document(s) of the plan(s) to understand investment policies and risks involved. UBL Funds may share commission out of management fee earned to the sales teams of the Company or its distributor(s) earned on his/her/their own investment(s)

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