UBL Income Opportunity Fund
Enjoy competitive rate of return of investing in quality instruments.

Why invest in UBL Income Opportunity Fund?
Portfolio diversification
Low cost and convenient mode of investment
Easy access to money (in part or whole)
No fixed-term holding period requirement
UBL Income Opportunity Fund offers investors a convenient mode of investing in high quality TFC’s/Sukuks issued by Financial Sector Institutions. Furthermore, this scheme offers investors the opportunity to generate comparatively higher return(s) than other Fixed Income Catogery Fund(s) – i.e. Government Securities fund(s).
UBL Income Opportunity Fund (UIOF) is a mutual fund investment scheme that offers an ideal investment opportunity to grow your savings overtime. UIOF will invest majority of its portfolio in Financial Sector debt securities, with the remaining part of the portfolio invested in Government Securities, cash & short-term money market instruments to diversify risk. Thus providing you a relatively safer yet rewarding opportunity to seek competitive returns from Income Instruments.
UBL Income Opportunity Fund (UIOF) is ideal for investors who:
- Want to invest their savings over the medium to long-term.
- Want to generate higher yields in comparison to investments in Government Securities.
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UBL Income Opportunity Fund
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