UBL Pakistan Enterprise Exchange Traded Fund
Aims to track the benchmark index without taking exposure to the Oil and Gas sector .

Why invest in UBL Pakistan Enterprise Exchange Traded Fund?
Diversified exposure to basket of stocks
Investors can easily buy and sell on the stock exchange.
Investors can transact anytime during market hours.
UBL Pakistan Enterprise Exchange Traded Fund (UBLPETF) aims to track the performance of the benchmark index in order to provide long- term capital appreciation and dividend yields to its investors. For further details Click here
Why invest in UBL Pakistan Enterprise Exchange Traded Fund
- Aims to track the benchmark index (without taking any exposure to the Oil and Gas sector).
- Constituents of the fund are transparent and are public information.
- The fund is traded on the Pakistan Stock Exchange and can be easily bought or sold during market hours.
- Authorized participants (AP) can buy creation units directly from UBL Fund Managers.
- It has a lower expense ratio relative to equity mutual funds.
- The indicative NAV (iNAV) is updated every 15 seconds.
UBL Pakistan Enterprise Exchange Traded Fund
Need more information about the fund? Here’s what you need to know.
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